I am an Acupuncturist practising in Newbury, from consulting rooms at the Nuffield Health and Wellbeing Centre near the Racecourse.
Acupuncture works by enhancing and balancing the ‘qi’ or vital energy of the body. The use of acupuncture can be invaluable in the management of the symptoms of many common physical and emotional problems. It can work well as the sole treatment option, but also in combination with other treatment modalities, including Western medicine, osteopathy, physiotherapy etc.
I practice traditional acupuncture for a wide variety of conditions, and also specialise in fertility coaching and the use of acupuncture in the support of Assisted Conception (eg IVF) and Natural Fertility. Client consultations also include lifestyle and nutritional advice.
If you would like to know how acupuncture might be able to help you, contact me by calling 07885 226603 or email .
I offer a free 15 minute appointment if you wish to discuss your case in person.
The cost of Acupuncture treatment is now covered by many Private Health Insurers – please check whether you need a GP referral.
Acupuncture works by enhancing and balancing the ‘qi’ or vital energy of the body. The use of acupuncture can be invaluable in the management of the symptoms of many common physical and emotional problems. It can work well as the sole treatment option, but also in combination with other treatment modalities, including Western medicine, osteopathy, physiotherapy etc.
I practice traditional acupuncture for a wide variety of conditions, and also specialise in fertility coaching and the use of acupuncture in the support of Assisted Conception (eg IVF) and Natural Fertility. Client consultations also include lifestyle and nutritional advice.
If you would like to know how acupuncture might be able to help you, contact me by calling 07885 226603 or email .
I offer a free 15 minute appointment if you wish to discuss your case in person.
The cost of Acupuncture treatment is now covered by many Private Health Insurers – please check whether you need a GP referral.